
20 July 2014

X Mess

This happens sometimes while logging in – all our desktop-backgrounds get mixed together for a little while until the login is finished.

15 July 2014

Infrared Proximity Sensor

Randall and the Lemons

came, and we gave him a gamsa 

as well as some lemons... an "Amma" bag

Arduino says Hello

I set up the LCD screen to say "hello world!" and start a count-up every time the Arduino's put on. The picture above was taken 155 second after the Arduino was last reset.

Carrying Carrying the Fire

Carrying the Fire is a book by Michael Collins about the Moon-landing. This is a picture of Pulippo carrying it (wrapped in the BookAdda parcel in which it came) while waiting with Thatha for the train in the Salem station.

S'na was also there but she's not in the photo because she's busy taking it.

Before the Elections

On the Loose Rock... 

...and on the road below it...